The valley spirit never dies;
It is the woman, primal mother.
Her gateway is the root of heaven and earth.
It is like a veil barely seen.
Use it; it will never fail.

(Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching)


In the beginning it was the Mother who breathed the cosmos  into being.  It was She danced upon the waves of chaos, and gave it form.  It was the Mother from whom all life was created, and from her womb that birthed all into existence. 

And when this was done, it was the Mother who waited for all Her beloved creatures to come home.

Within the sacred stories of our ancestors contains the memory of our original connection between us, humanity, and the Mother, the Divine Feminine.

This memory holds the secret to the greatest Mystery - that it is the Mother who sustains all life, including ourselves, nurturing and nourishing us, and it is She who also greets us at the end of our days.

It is our deep soul connection with the Mother, with the Divine Feminine consciousness, that carried us from one incarnation to the next, regardless of whether we are consciously aware of this or not.

We are but one thread in the greater scheme of things, and it is the Mother who holds the tapestry of all life.


Is there a connection between how we treat our planet and the rejection of the Divine Feminine from our Soul Consciousness?


Today, our world is on fire. 

Every day we hear stories of deep and ongoing pain and suffering. We see much chaos and destruction around us.  Such sensory overload often leads to feelings of confusion, despair, and being disillusioned as to what the future may hold. 

Our relationship with our planet, Mother Earth, has degraded so much that we see Her merely as an “it”, a thing, something to control, to consume, and even to abuse.  We view Her only as “environment”, something that is separate from us.  We have forgotten that SHE IS US and we are Her.

The late Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, commented that people get sick because they are alienated from Mother Earth, that they have forgotten that they are on Mother Earth, and that they have a body given to them by Mother Earth. 

And it is not only our lack of connection with Mother Earth that we experience.  There has been a rejection and denial of the Divine Feminine within our religions across the millennia.  We can see in the continuous oppression and sexualisation of women and girls, of the removal of “rights” in attempts to control.  It can be even be found in the degrading language we use when mentioning anything feminine.   

Despite all of this, there is hope.

Amongst the chaos and turmoil, the heartache and pain, a deep richness of love, compassion, hope and beauty can still be found.

As Lao Tsu reminds us, when we remember that we too are part of nature (Mother Earth), and we embrace the Divine Feminine back into our spiritual practices we are able to reconnect to that valley spirit that resides deep healing and soul transformation.


“Physical degradation of the natural world is also the degradation
of the interior world of the human.”

(Thomas Berry, “The New Political Assignment”, The Great Work: Our Way into the Future)


Return to the Mother

This free on-line summit contains discussions around remembering the sacredness of our planet, the Divine Feminine, the archetypal Mother, and even the matriarchal-patriarchal divide.  Join us as we:

  • Explore the connection between Gaia (Earth) consciousness and the Divine Feminine;

  • Understand the importance of the feminine archetype;

  • Consider the similarities of how Mother Earth and women are treated in modern society;

  • Investigate whether the devaluation of anything feminine emerged out of the removal and subsequent absence of the Goddess or Divine Feminine from many of the world’s religions;

  • Ask ourselves why, regardless of gender identification, it is essential for all of us move from patriarchal oppression to matrifocal wholeness;

  • Determine the importance of establishing a more sustainable state of Oneness with our planet for the sake of future generations.


Each and every one of us is connected to the Mother in all Her forms: as our physical mother, as the Goddess, as Feminine Consciousness, and even as our planet.


The Return to the Mother online global summit brings together a unique collection of presenters from around the world, and from various religious and spiritual paths, to explore the interweaving threads between the absence of the Divine Feminine within Western culture, of Mother Earth (nature), Goddess Consciousness,
and much more.

Meet Our Amazing Speakers

Frances Billinghurst
(Your Host and Creatrix of Return to the Mother)

Entering the Temple of the Goddess

Akosua Dardaine Edwards
(Author and founder of the NiNa Young Women’s Leadership Programme)

The Divine Source Resides Within

Dr Amit Goswami
(Pioneer of the new paradigm of quantum science, founder of the Quantum Academy, and Renowned Author)

The Return of the Archetypes

Ann Bromley
(Spiritual teacher, mentor, writer and photographer)

Returning to Love: Sacred Womb Awakening


Bridget Engels
(Author and host of “The Oracle of Luna'' podcast)

Healing the Damage of Patriarchy through Moon Circles

Christopher Penczak
(Author and founder of the Temple of Witchcraft)

Modern Witchcraft and the Goddess

C.G. Dahlin
(Founder and voice of the Spiritual Studies Course)

The Dark Goddess: Retribution, Rebirth, and the Dark Night of the Soul

Deborah Stanley
(Healer and workshop facilitator)

Exploring Womb Awakening and the Selkie Tale as the Initiatory Pathway for the Modern Goddess


Glenys Livingstone
(Author and founder of the PaGaian tradition)

Creating a Context in which She can Grow: A PaGaian Cosmology

John Lockley
(Initiated senior Sangoma in the Xhosa tradition and an international spiritual teacher)

Matriarchy in the Animal Kingdom: The Glue of Creation

Dr Jude Currivan
(Cosmologist, planetary healer, and author)

How a Radical Guide to Reality invites a Return to the Divine Feminine, the healing of the 'illusion' of separation and an emergence of Gaian Consciousness

Kallie Brown
(Rites of Passage guide and licensed psychotherapist)

How Rites of Passage Ceremony and Earth Consciousness can assist in Healing Patriarchal Wounding


Karen Tate
(Thought leader, speaker, published author and activist)

Divine Feminine: The Antidote to Patriarchal Domination and Our Wounded Feminine Consciousness

Kat Houghton
(Native British oral storyteller and wilderness Rites of Passage guide)

The Maidens of the Well: Reclaiming the Waters of Life 

Kathleen Joan
(Priestess of Brigid and energetic healer)

Growing into the Goddess: Claim your Divine Feminine power in dialogue with your Christian roots

Keren Brown
(Certified professional co-active coach, movement facilitator, and Women’s Mysteries facilitator)

Returning to the Mother at Midlife: Initiation as the Wise Woman


Leslie Zehr
(Co-director for the Sacred Dance Guild, author, and podcaster)

Embodying the Divine Feminine through Movement

Levi Rowland
(High Priest and author)

Contemporary Witchcraft and the Rebirth of the Goddess

Mary Reynolds Thompson
(Award-winning author and founder of Live Your Wild Soul Story)

The Age of the Wild Soul Woman: We Are Wondrous, We Are Rising, We Are Wild

Naomi Amaya Love
(Master of Ceremony, medicine woman and folk healer)

The Full Embrace, Beyond the Veil of Separation


Dr Nicola Amadora
(Spiritual teacher, author, international speaker and psychologist)

She Leads the Way

Patricia Awyan Lehman
(International speaker, researcher, explorer, symbologist and writer)

Returning to the Primordial

Phyllis Curott
(Spiritual pioneer, author, Program Chair for Parliament of the World’s Religions)

Mother Earth and Her Magic of Rebirth

Q'orianka Cornejo
(Incan High Priestess, medicine woman, and sacred guide)

Pachamama's Embrace: A Catalyst of Remembrance


RaMa Danielle-Marie
(Founder of Golden Gate Esoteraka Ancient Future Mystery School)

Radical Earth Transformation: Newborn Consciousness Seeded with Hieros Gamos

Stephen Mehler
(Khemitologist, tour guide and author)

Matriarchy and the Great Mother

Dr Valentina Onisor
(Practicing physician, author, and a pioneer of Quantum Integrative Medicine)

The Eternal Feminine

Zahra Indigo Rønlov
(Eco-psychologist, spiritual teacher and guide, author and pilgrimage leader)

The In-powerment of the Mystery

Return to the Mother

Every speaker chosen for this online global summit shares their own personal thoughts and knowledge about their connection with the Divine Feminine, Earth consciousness, Goddess spirituality, and more.


The Return to the Mother online summit supported The Global Women’s Project, a registered Australian non-profit organisation that focuses on providing disadvantaged women around the world with the tools and resources they need to build better lives for themselves, their families and communities.

A percentage of all Lifetime Access monies received is donated to this worthy organisation at the conclusion of the summit.

“The soul is the greening life force of the flesh, for the body grows and prospers through her,
just as the earth becomes fruitful when it is moistened. The soul humidifies the body
so it does not dry out, just like the rain which soaks into the earth.”

(Hildegarde of Bingen)

What are you waiting for? ~ Join us today!

When you register for the RETURN TO THE MOTHER online global summit, you will receive personal notifications advising when EACH AND EVERY ONE of these inspiring discussions become available for you to enjoy.

Every one of these 28 discussions can be watched for FREE for a period of 48 hours from when it airs between:
Sunday, 24 November to Thursday, 28 November 2024 (America and Europe), and Monday, 25 November to Friday, 29 November 2024 (Australia ad New Zealand).

Register for free by simply clicking on the button below:


“We can no longer hear the voice of the rivers, the mountains, or the sea. The trees
and meadows are no longer intimate modes of spirit presence.
The world about us has become an ‘it’ rather than a ‘thou.’”

(Thomas Berry, “The Meadow Across the Creek”, The Great Work: Our Way into the Future)